Python + Photoshop = Pyotoshop?

I have joined a few freelance projects where it was necessary to purchase asset packs to expedite the development process. Texture files seemed to come in varying sizes and quality. To reduce performance costs I have had to manually resize several textures both inside and outside of the game engine. This is a tedious process and I started thinking it should be possible to automate this process.


Water Spline in UE4

A breakdown my approach to procedurally generating rivers, lakes, and waterfalls along a spline in UE4. This blueprint produces a plane or cylinder to make the water look like a river, waterfall, or river based on level design needs. Each control point can be scaled and be positioned.


Statue Masks in UE4

A breakdown of my approach to show how I animated statue materials in UE4. Here is a demonstration of dynamic materials controlled through blueprint input. For gameplay purposes, the textures on the statues are animated to visually trigger events in the game.


Scene Depth Post Process Material in UE4

A breakdown of my approach to creating layers of colored fog using a post process material in UE4. It uses the scene depth to add color to the environment. There are four sections of the scene depth that can be colored by multiple colors.


Flag Spline in UE4

A breakdown of my approach of procedurally generating flags, and in theory, any mesh along a spline in UE4. with parameters to control the distance between flags, the scale of the flags, rotation of the flags, and the ability to change out the flag mesh for other meshes.